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emergent literacy

时间:2017/10/13 10:00:59 点击:

  核心提示:   ? Experimental study comparing the effect of home story bookreading in children’s L1 and English (Roberts, 2008) ? Participantswere 33 preschool c...

   ? Experimental study comparing the effect of home story bookreading in children’s L1 and English (Roberts, 2008) ? Participantswere 33 preschool children from low SES families ? Home languagewas Hmong or Spanish ? Two 6-week sessions of home combined withstory book reading 学习literacy? 12 classic children’s storybookswith


Preschool Programs: Dual Language Approach

emergent? Findings ? Literacy Express children made significant gainscompared to High Scope only children ? English-only andtransitional bilingual programs were equally effective for Englishlanguage outcomes 超变态版传奇? Only the transitional model was effective forSpanish outcomes

Preschool Programs: Dual Language Approach

? Experimental study comparing the effects English High ScopeCurriculum, English Literacy Express Curriculum and BilingualLiteracy Express Curriculum (Farver, Lonigan, & Eppe, 2009) 看看新开超级变态网页传奇?Sample was 94 Spanish-dominant ELL pre-school children enrolled ina Head Start program in an inner-city school literacy? Children wererandomly assigned to three program types-High Scope (control), HighScope plus Literacy Express in English, High Scope plus LiteracyExpress with students beginning in Spanish and transitioning intoEnglish 看着新开中变合击传奇? Literacy Express curriculum ? focuses on oral language,emergent literacy, basic math and science, and socio-culturaldevelopment ?groups of 4-5 ?three types of teacher-directedactivities—shared reading, phonological awareness training, printknowledge activities 你看新开传奇网站手游?Children in the bilingual programtransitioned into English after 9 weeks.

Preschool Programs: Dual Language Approach

? Findings ? Children in both types of programs experiencedsubstantial gains in English language, literacy and math, with nosignificant differences between groups 看着新开仿盛大传奇手机版学习新开传奇网站手游? Among theSpanish-speakers, the dual language program produced large gains inSpanish vocabulary compared with the English program

Preschool Programs: Dual Language Approach

学习新开韩版中变传奇网站? Experimental study comparing the effect of monolingual immersioncompared with dual language preschool programs (Barnett, Yarosz,Thomas, Jung & Blanco, 2007) 超变态网页版传奇? Three- and four year oldchildren from homes where Spanish and English were spoken wererandomly assigned to program type ? Dual language programalternated between English and Spanish on a weekly basis byrotating children between classrooms and teachers 韩版靓装超变传奇? Classrooms inboth conditions used the High/Scope curriculum, met high standardsfor teacher qualifications, ratio, and class size

Preschool Programs: Dual Language Approach

? Research and development

对于超变态传奇网页游戏?Future directions

? Three studies that shed light on the effect of school and homelanguage use on children’s first and second language development literacy?Research base that supports dual language programs

?Preschool dual language programs

Overview of Presentation

Center for Applied Linguistics


Diane August

,Dual Language Learning in the Early Years: Theory andPractice


作者:淳米悠悠 来源:安娜ANNA
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